Knee Pain | Physical Therapy for everyBODY

Did you think your knee pain would "go away" in a couple of days? Have you followed your doctors advice to "rest" only to find your knee pain remains?  Are you looking for someone who can explain what is going on with you knee pain and help your body move correctly - so you can live the life you were born for?

Are you done with knee pain limiting your activities?

If so you’re not alone. In fact, every day at Physical Therapy for everyBODY we help people just like you! And when it comes to living with knee pain, you want to know:

“Why Do I Still Have Knee Pain?”


“What Makes You Different From The Other Physical Therapy Clinic I’ve Tried Before?”

Most people think that all Physical Therapy is the same for knee pain relief. If you’ve tried Physical Therapy before and left without having your goals met, there is hope! If your Physical Therapy experience consisted of a generic sheet of exercises without individualized hands on treatment, you’ve had what we call a “typical” Physical Therapy experience.

Sadly, this describes the treatments most people experience before coming to see us when your knee hurts. No wonder you may be thinking of getting an injection or having surgery, even though they are dangerous and costly. Or you have decided that you are going to have to live on pain medication forever.

Does That Sound Like You?

Does it feel like no one is really listening to your knee pain journey and hearing what you’re saying? Do you wish that someone would listen to your whole story and put the pieces of this puzzle together for you? We believe that hearing your story is the first step towards building your plan for success and finding knee pain relief.

Are you tired of everyone telling you that knee pain is “normal” as you get older? Or that you just need to “give it some time” and rest? If you’re active, or desire to be, rest is rarely the best advice because when you go back to doing what you love, the problem is still there.

Did your doctor tell you to rest, take medication, and “come back in four weeks”? We hear about these visits every day in our Physical Therapy office and we understand your frustration. When you return in 4 weeks…it gets even better! You go back to the doctor because you still have the same pain. You are sent for an MRI which shows some scary findings (which may actually be NORMAL findings). Worse, you’re often advised MORE rest, given yet another prescription of even stronger pills, and offered an injection as your only option. This is incredibly frustrating and explains why so many people are continuing to suffer with chronic lower knee pain.

Has This Type of Thing Happened to You?

Have you been told a lot of different things by different people? Well, it’s easy to get confused because lots of people are happy to give you their advice and opinions about why your knee hurts. The internet is a great place to find advice, but it’s important to understand that it is not all credible information.

Maybe your research has led you to believe that you should walk less because walking makes your knee pain worse. Maybe you have read that there is one magic exercise that will be perfect to relieve your knee pain immediately.

It’s very confusing to know exactly what to do to prevent your knee pain from worsening. It’s confusing to figure out where your knee pain is originating from and what is causing the discomfort. All this confusion leads people to put off making a decision about what to do to help make their knee pain better. Even worse, many people end up accepting it as a part of life. As if this is a normal way to age and there is nothing that can be done to help.

Do You Feel That Way Too?

If You’re Currently Living With Knee Pain, Here’s 7 More Reasons Why It Could Be Lasting Longer Than It Should:

  • You thought/hoped you knee would stop hurting on its own - but unfortunately it didn’t.
  • The doctor who told you to rest and take some medication – but the pills did nothing to help, or they just masked the pain – and as soon as they wore off knee pain stopped you in your tracks again.
  • A family member, or friend, told you that everybody gets knee pain as they get older, so you just accepted it as a ‘normal’ part of aging.
  • You tried other Healthcare Professionals, or even a Physical Therapist in the past, but it just didn’t seem to make your knee pain better.
  • You searched the internet, watched some video exercises or got ideas that promised immediate relief but they either didn’t do a thing, or even made your knee pain ten times worse.
  • You thought it would be a good idea to rest because your knee pain was so bad or because of number 5 above, but all that did was make it feel even more stiff and tight.
  • You’ve tried using things like a knee brace but they’ve done nothing to help make the pain any better.

If any of these have happened to you - we would love to help you by inviting you to book a call to talk with one of our Specialists at our Maple Valley clinic, Physical Therapy for everyBODY, to find out what can be done to help YOU. The fact that you’ve tried any or all of these things already is actually a GOOD THING because when you know what doesn’t work, you are closer to finding the thing that does!

We believe – actually we KNOW – that 90% of all musculoskeletal injuries (aches, pain, and strains) can be solved without prescribing medication, without injections, and certainly without surgery! If you are ready to learn more about your options to eliminate your knee pain, then click the link below to talk with one of our Physical Therapists on the phone. There is no obligation to book any appointments with us after the call is over. Our focus is to help you make the right decision about what to do next to achieve your goals.

Click the link below, fill out the simple web form, and our office will contact you to schedule a phone call with one of our Specialist Physical Therapists.

What Can I Do to Get Rid of My Knee Pain And Keep It From Coming Back?

Well, here are 4 things you can do:

  • Start by Making a Decision to Get Help From a Specialist  You have seen the doctor who told you to rest, tried the YouTube videos that didn’t work and hoped it would go away. You suddenly find yourself 6 months down the line and nothing has changed except the list of all the things you can’t do because your knee hurts.
  • Do The RIGHT ExercisesOne of the best things to help you ease your knee pain is the correct series of progressed exercises. The right exercises given to you by a Specialist Physical Therapist will provide pain relief and allow you to move more easily. And we can make sure that you get to the root of what’s causing the problem, so it won’t come back anytime soon (or aggravate your knee and make it even worse like some exercises do).
  • Avoid Sitting In Awkward Positions To be honest, the human body was not designed to sit. When you sit with your knees bent, you’re putting your knees in awkward positions – which knees aren’t built to be in for too long. It would really help if you were given the correct strengthening exercises for better posture, in combination with hands-on treatment, to get you active and healthy as quickly as possible.
  • Get Real, Hands-On Physical Therapy  Physical Therapy is proven to help people with knee pain. In fact, at Physical Therapy for everyBODY it’s one of the most common injuries we see. If your knee pain is affecting your job, your ability to keep active, if it threatens your independence or gets in the way of spending quality time with family and friends - Physical Therapy can help get you back to living the life you deserve as quickly as possible.

If you would like to know how the Physical Therapy team at Physical Therapy for everyBODY (located in Maple Valley) can help you live with less pain and get back to feeling great again - we invite you to start with a completely free, no-obligation, no pressure appointment at our clinic in Maple Valley, WA. We reserve two of these 20 minute slots each week to meet with people like you and hear your story.

Click the link below, fill out the simple web form, and our office will contact you to schedule your Free Discovery Visit.

Note: This Free Discovery Visit is something that we offer to people who are very nervous or skeptical about Physical Therapy - unsure of its benefits or if it’s right for them. If that sounds like you, then please start with a Free Discovery Visit so that we can work with you to find out what is wrong and what can be done – without any financial risk on your part.

So the next question is:

How Can Choosing to See a Physical Therapist at Physical Therapy for everyBODY Help You Get Rid of Your Knee Pain?

Here’s just a few of the things our physical therapy team can do for you:

  • Find out why you’re still struggling with this knee pain and/or injury, and why previous treatments failed to address the real issue.
  • Find and address the ROOT CAUSE – to find knee pain relief once and for all!
  • Help you sleep better and live with more energy each day. When you’re sleeping is when you’re healing. Plus, a good nights sleep gives you the energy to face the day.
  • Get back to exercising - without worrying about knee pain stopping you or getting aggravated.
  • Put an end to taking all of those painkillers that are no good for your gut.
  • Never have to consider surgery.
  • Enjoy going for a run, hiking with friends, and even get back to the yoga mat – without constant visits to the doctor because your knee hurts.
  • Enjoy quality time with family and friends that knee pain has stolen from you.

Basically, the team at Physical Therapy for everyBODY can help you get more enjoyment out of your life by being more active, having more energy, and getting your confidence back.

Anchor If you want to know what it costs - and what availability we have at our physical therapy clinic in Maple Valley – then please click the button below, complete the short web form, and our office will contact you to discuss cost and availability.

Find Out How People Just Like You, Came to Physical Therapy for everyBODY - and Left Happier and Much Healthier!

Please enjoy watching stories of other people with knee pain just like you who came to see the physical therapy team at  Physical Therapy for everyBODY - and left much healthier and happier:



Maple Valley, WA

Cause it's a small operation you know who you're going to see and that they're really gonna pay some attention and look, and try and understand what the problem is, what the cause of the problem is, and then work with you to solve it. And that's, for me, the reason I keep coming back and why I'm been coming for a while now.



Maple Valley, WA

My back pain was preventing me from doing the things that I wanted to do and I was in constant pain daily. I was constantly worried about how bad my back was hurting. I tried exercising more. I tried not exercising at all. I tried heating, cooling, pretty much every other thing that there was out there that I could do myself.



Kent, WA

I can tell you that all physical therapy is not the same! I went to a local physical therapy chain that was recommended by my doctor and after three or four visits they pretty much put me on a machine and watched me do exercises. I hoped they would get me back to running, yoga, walking and playing with grandkids but I wasn't getting better so looked online and that's how I found you guys.

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