About | Physical Therapy for everyBODY

About Physical Therapy for everyBODY

Empowering you to live pain free so you can confidently get back to living the life you deserve

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At Physical Therapy for everyBODY we love to help people in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and beyond, get back to living the life they deserve. Which means a life free from pain medication, where you don’t have to even consider surgery, and can do and enjoy all of the things you love, without the fear of pain holding you back.

We understand the confusion that comes from hearing advice from so many different sources including friends, family, Google, YouTube, and even doctors. And how it seems like no one truly takes the time to understand what is going on with YOU. It’s bad enough to be suffering with any sort of chronic pain or injury but is even worse when you feel like everyone has a “solution” – but none of them work for you.

We want you to know:  We hear you!

We understand the frustration when something like back pain strikes forcing you into bed for days leaving you unable to do your job. Or chronic neck pain leads to tension headaches that require a constant diet of pain medication (which are irritating your stomach!).

We want you to know:  We get you!

We know it’s very tempting to leave it and hope it’ll simply “go away on its own” with time and rest. That you’ll wake up someday and like magic, it’ll be as if it never happened in the first place. But that’s usually not the case, and often the pain ends up worse than it was when it first started.

We also know how easy it is to go to the doctor and get pain medication to make the “symptoms go away”. But pain medication only masks the symptoms and doesn’t deal with the root of the problem. You may even be to the point of considering surgery because it will take the pain away quickly. However, the truth is that surgery is only effective some of the time and may even lead to further problems later on.

We want you to know:  We feel you!

In order to keep up with your active and healthy lifestyle with confidence that this problem is not going to slow you down, you need a real, lasting fix. Having pain that always seems to strike at the wrong time is beyond frustrating. Are you are ready to take control?

Or maybe you’ve tried physical therapy or chiropractic before, yet you’re still in pain, unable to perform the exercises you were given and frustrated that no one seems able to figure out what is truly going on. You were given a “cookie cutter” protocol that was not personalized to your body, your problem, and your goals. You may have even felt like you wasted your time being treated by a generalist instead of getting the specialist care your body needs.

Does This Sound Like You?

If it does then you’re not alone. We started Physical Therapy for everyBODY because we were frustrated and burnt out from treating more patients in less time. We were not given the time to personalize care to each patients’ body, problem, and goals. It felt like working in a factory. The care was not individualized. We knew the patients deserved better so we created that space.

A space personalized to you:

  • Our tables have arm rests and face cut outs so that your neck doesn’t get whacked out while we are working on your back and your arms aren’t dangling in space.
  • Your own treatment room so you don’t have to wonder about where to put your stuff
  • ALL appointments are 1-on-1 so you will have your therapists attention for your entire treatment – not sharing them with 3 other people.
  • Feel right at home immediately when you walk into our living room-style waiting area and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea.
  • Need a pick me up? Head to our personal bathroom and choose your favorite quote.
  • Our core values are right in the hallway and we are proud to explain what they mean to us.
  • If you are tired of using elastic tubing that limits your motion we offer 2 types of pulley so you get full motion and your best workout.
  • Ever wondered if that piece of equipment would work for your home program? Try it out in our gym before you buy it.

Is that what you are looking for?  Then it is very likely that we can help you.

But, it is essential that you feel comfortable with us and are assured that we are the best fit for you!

Wanna Know More About Dr. Amy?


I’ll keep it simple and random with these 11 facts

  1. 1
    I am now the owner but I used to be a patient – When I was in high school, Physical Therapy helped me get back to doing the sports I loved – volleyball and swimming (I also played basketball but that was required when you’re 6 feet tall). I would have missed out on my Senior year sports if it weren’t for my awesome PT.
  2. 2
    I have traveled the country while earning my degrees – I earned my Bachelor’s at Santa Clara University (CA) and moved all the way across the country for my Mater’s at Western Carolina University (NC). My Ph.D. was earned while living here in Washington.
  3. 3
    After working with Physical Therapists at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (Germany) I decided I needed more education – Military PT’s are amazing and have a very high level of education. After volunteering with them for 3 years at Landstuhl I decided to go for my Ph.D. in Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy so I was better equipped to treat each PERSON not a diagnosis.
  4. 4
    I literally cannot remember my life before I met my husband – We met when I was 14 years old and have been married for over 20 years. He was the one who challenged me to start my own company so I had the time to treat each patient as an individual.
  5. 5
    The current way we are doing Physical Therapy isn’t working – “more patients, less time” isn’t delivering the level of care you desire and require for your overall health.
  6. 6
    My oldest daughter is just like me (and she hates me saying that) – Analytical, detail oriented, continual learner, reader of all the books. I love challenging her thought patterns and helping guide her to her dreams.
  7. 7
    We are not sure where my youngest daughter came from – She has physical skill and a desire for a career in ballet. People ask me if I am concerned about the physical stress a ballet career takes. The short answer “Heck yeah!” But, I enjoy the time I get to spend with her as we keep her body in top form.
  8. 8
    “It’s All Connected” is one of my favorite sayings – Our bodies are beautifully complex and I enjoy teaching people about their unique bodies.
  9. 9
    I want to win my age group for a half marathon race – But I run slow so I will have to keep running until I am 70 years old to do that!
  10. 10
    Bailey, The Princess Pup, rules our house – and everyone living in it! She is my running partner and my napping partner.
  11. 11
    Movement Is Life – One of my core beliefs and the #1 core value here at PT4EB. If you aren’t moving, you aren’t healing, and you certainly ain’t living.

Note: This Free Discovery Session is something that we offer to people who are very nervous or sceptical about physical therapy - unsure of its benefits or if it is right for them. If that sounds like you, then please start with a free discovery session so that we can work with you to find out what is wrong and what can be done - without any financial risk on your part.

The Types of People Who get the Best, Most Transformative Results are People Who:

  • Are very health-conscious and refuse to accept taking pain medication regularly as a way of life
  • Feel that maintaining an active lifestyle is a priority in their life
  • Understand that properly recovering from an injury is a process and “quick fixes” don’t last
  • Are tough minded, strong willed, and have a high pain tolerance (which is usually why the problem has gone on this long in the first place!)
  • ​​Are willing to put in the time, effort, and energy to truly learn about their injury and find a permanent solution to their problem

If any of these qualities sound like you, we would love to invite you to book a call to talk with one of our Physical Therapists at our Maple Valley clinic to find out what can be done to help you. We pride ourselves on emphasizing “quality over quantity”. We purposely keep things small and private ensuring we can provide you with the one-on-one attention you deserve...

... And what makes us different and unique from other Physical Therapy clinics is our 5 Step process. We call this “The Physical Therapy for everyBODY Journey”

“Here Are 3 People We’ve Helped Recently

Please enjoy watching these case-studies of other people just like you who came to see the Physical Therapy Team at Physical Therapy for everyBODY - and left much healthier and happier.



Auburn, WA

I was scheduled for surgery and I started doing some research online as I was bedridden because I was in so much pain. I found this article that said don't do surgery, whatever you do, just try this first and I was so excited about it and then I found in small print, maple Valley, Washington, and that's why I am here now!



Enumclaw, WA

Now this to me is what true physical therapy is, what you guys do here. What I've seen other PT folks do is they come and they kind of manipulate the affected area and then they pass you off to someone else, more of like a factory. This is definitely a one-on-one fully integrated, full service. It's pretty amazing actually.



Kent, WA

I can tell you that all physical therapy is not the same! I went to a local physical therapy chain that was recommended by my doctor and after three or four visits they pretty much put me on a machine and watched me do exercises. I hoped they would get me back to running, yoga, walking and playing with grandkids but I wasn't getting better so looked online and that's how I found you guys.


Our Happiness Guarantee

Try us for 3 visits. If you are not completely happy with your experience at PT4EB we will refund your entire package.

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