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Don’t Do THIS If You Have Sciatica!

Don’t Do THIS If You Have Sciatica!

If you have been searching the interweb for ideas on how to treat your sciatica then chances are you have gotten some really bad advice. You have probably already tried things that are recommended on-line for your sciatic pain that actually INCREASED your symptoms. Which is depressing, frustrating, and leaves you in despair that there is anythingContinue Reading »

Is My Pain Really Sciatica?

Is My Pain Really Sciatica?

Sciatica pain is literally a pain in the…behind! You may be suffering with pain that you believe is sciatica but how do you know? And, if it is sciatica, what can you do about it? You are in the right place! Today we will dive into what true sciatica pain is, what causes sciatica in the first place,Continue Reading »

The Top 5 Tips To Banish Low Back Pain

The Top 5 Tips To Banish Low Back Pain

Everyone will be affected by low back pain at some point in their life. Which may cause difficulty with sitting at a desk for long hours, lifting heavy objects, having difficulty exercising, or cause you to experience poor sleep. Fortunately, there are practical steps you can take to eliminate or alleviate low back pain. Today,Continue Reading »

What Is Causing Your Low Back Pain?

What Is Causing Your Low Back Pain?

Low back pain is a pervasive and often debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Not knowing the root cause can increase stress and anxiety about your low back pain. Understanding the underlying structures that contribute to low back pain is crucial for effective management and peace of mind. You may find it easierContinue Reading »

How To Know When Your Back Pain is Sciatica

How To Know When Your Back Pain is Sciatica

Sciatica is a type of nerve pain caused by compression of the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back down through each leg. It can cause significant back pain and can be quite debilitating. Sciatica typically occurs when a herniated disc compresses one or more lumbar nerves in the spine, resulting in inflammation andContinue Reading »

Can You Exercise With Chronic Pain?

Can You Exercise With Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain may drastically impact one’s life in a variety of ways. It can be difficult to get out of bed in the morning, to tie your shoes, and it will almost surely affect your daily routines and activities since the pain is consistent and sometimes excruciating. The discomfort may make you believe that youContinue Reading »

What Causes Lower Back Pain in Females

What Causes Lower Back Pain in Females

Did you know that research suggests 60 to 80% of people experience lower back pain during their lifetime? It’s true. Also, did you know that lower back pain in females is more common than men? Women also experience more back pain as they age, and the increase in back pain for patients and clients isContinue Reading »

How To Sleep With Lower Back Pain

How To Sleep With Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a big problem, and its effect on sleep can leave you exhausted, irritable and struggling through the day. But when you have stiffness and discomfort, finding how to sleep with lower back pain can be difficult. Getting comfortable can take what feels like hours, and once you do drift off, youContinue Reading »

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