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5 Causes of Urinary Incontinence And How To Fix Them

5 Causes of Urinary Incontinence And How To Fix Them

Hey there, wonderful people of Maple Valley! It’s Amy Konvalin your expert physical therapist, here to talk about a topic that many of us prefer not to discuss openly but affects far more people than you might think: urinary incontinence.  Urinary incontinence is a silent struggle that many of our friends and neighbors face daily.Continue Reading »

Can You Exercise With Chronic Pain?

Can You Exercise With Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain may drastically impact one’s life in a variety of ways. It can be difficult to get out of bed in the morning, to tie your shoes, and it will almost surely affect your daily routines and activities since the pain is consistent and sometimes excruciating. The discomfort may make you believe that youContinue Reading »

Should I get a cortisone injection?

Should I get a cortisone injection?

Has your doctor recommended a cortisone injection to help relieve your shoulder pain? Are you wondering why you would get a cortisone injection and what they do? Then let’s start there! Your doctor may recommend that you have a cortisone injection if you have a painful muscle or joint that is inflamed. The cortisone is injected directlyContinue Reading »

Sciatica in 2020

Sciatica in 2020

When I graduated from Physical Therapy school 20 years ago there were 3 indisputable facts: The brain stayed the same throughout your life. The disks in your spine never healed. Nerves could not regenerate. Oh, what a difference 20 years can make.  Research has taught us: The brain can make new pathways and even repairContinue Reading »

Please Call Me!

Please Call Me!

The picture above is the bill from my husbands’ recent trip to the Emergency Room (ER).  He had a painful toe that started to get REALLY bad quickly.  He called the doctor to make an appointment and they said he hadn’t been in recently so he would have to wait 3 weeks.  When my husbandContinue Reading »

Movement is Life

Movement is Life

You need to be able to bend over to work in your garden, pick up your grandchild, or do yoga. You need to be able to squat to give a child a hug at their level, to do home renovation projects, or tie your shoelace on the side of the trail while you are outContinue Reading »

Where headaches are born

Where headaches are born

Have you ever had a headache that started at the base of your skull and wrapped itself over your head finally lodging behind your eyeballs?  Those headaches really hurt.  And, it seems like they can last forever. But where do they come from?  Headaches that start at the base of the skull actually start inContinue Reading »

Chewing on another cause of headaches

Chewing on another cause of headaches

Have you ever had a headache that started in your jaw?  Maybe you have noticed that you wake up with a headache the morning after eating a big meal.  Perhaps you grind your teeth at night and wake up every morning with a headache.  Some people chew gum all day long, causing jaw and headContinue Reading »

What not to wear

What not to wear

Recently, I had a memorial service to attend right after treating patients.  So I wore my dress and flats while I was treating.  That afternoon, while I was standing at the memorial service, I felt my back tighten up.  “Oh well, it will be fine” I though like every other person does. That evening IContinue Reading »

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