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Pelvic Pain – When To Get Help!

Pelvic Pain – When To Get Help!

Ladies, we are not the best when it comes to getting help for our bodies. Many women wait until the symptoms are so far advanced that multiple systems are involved. Which means that treatment takes longer and is more expensive than we would like. Today we are going to cover the common symptoms that bring womenContinue Reading »

The Truth About Urinary Incontinence

The Truth About Urinary Incontinence

Ladies, have you ever been at a party and had to run to the bathroom so you didn’t pee when you were laughing? Or do you have to “pad up” before you go to the trampoline park or bouncy house with your kids? Many women believe that the involuntary loss of urine when they are laughing,Continue Reading »

5 Causes of Urinary Incontinence And How To Fix Them

5 Causes of Urinary Incontinence And How To Fix Them

Hey there, wonderful people of Maple Valley! It’s Amy Konvalin your expert physical therapist, here to talk about a topic that many of us prefer not to discuss openly but affects far more people than you might think: urinary incontinence.  Urinary incontinence is a silent struggle that many of our friends and neighbors face daily.Continue Reading »

The Myths About Urinary Incontinence

The Myths About Urinary Incontinence

Do you ever find yourself unexpectedly struggling to contain a small amount of urine when you laugh, cough, or sneeze? Is it normal as you age? Should you be concerned? If you are experiencing the release of urine while doing these things, then it may be because of incontinence. Incontinence is the loss of bladderContinue Reading »

Help! I Can’t Pee!

Help! I Can’t Pee!

Have you ever felt like you needed to pee so badly only to find difficulty urinating when you finally make it to the toilet? Or maybe you feel like you can’t fully empty your bladder when you try to. Sometimes this happens when you have had to “hold it” for a long time. Your pelvic floorContinue Reading »

Let’s Talk About Sex

Let’s Talk About Sex

Are you having pain during sex? Has it gotten so bad that you don’t even want to have sex anymore because it is just too painful? Have you tried every position only to end up frustrated? Or maybe you are even starting to believe that it is not worth the effort. Please know – you areContinue Reading »

How To Stop Peeing When You Laugh!

How To Stop Peeing When You Laugh!

Ladies, you know what I am talking about today. How many times have you talked with your friends about the “oops” that can happen if you jump while you are exercising? And, who would dare to go to a trampoline park without “padding up” beforehand? You may have even gotten to the point where thisContinue Reading »

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