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What Is Causing Me To Have Shoulder Pain?

What Is Causing Me To Have Shoulder Pain?

Have you ever wondered, “what is causing me to have shoulder pain” and how you should go about treating it? Shoulder pain is a common complaint among both athletes and non-athletes. It can occur as the result of an acute injury, such as a rotator cuff tear or dislocation, or due to the effects ofContinue Reading »

6 Tips For Exercising With A Bad Back

6 Tips For Exercising With A Bad Back

Have you been struggling with back pain and want to stay active? In this blog, we can help you by giving you 6 Tips For Exercising With A Bad Back. Back pain is a very common problem, with more than 80% of the population in the United States experiencing it at some point in theirContinue Reading »

5 Things That Will Make Your Back Pain Worse

5 Things That Will Make Your Back Pain Worse

If you have ever been worried about making back pain worse, we hope that this blog “5 Things That Will Make Your Back Pain Worse” will help you understand that there are things we recommend you avoid when dealing with back pain. Back pain is a common condition that can be caused by a varietyContinue Reading »

5 Tips For Women Wanting To Stay Healthy

5 Tips For Women Wanting To Stay Healthy

In this blog, we will talk about 5 Tips For Women Wanting To Stay Healthy. May is Women’s Health Month, a time to raise awareness about the importance of women taking charge of their health and well-being. From making sure we get regular checkups and screenings, to finding ways to manage stress and maintain aContinue Reading »

Problem Solved – Ice versus Heat

Problem Solved – Ice versus Heat

Have you ever wondered if you should use ice or heat on an injury? Or if it is best to use them both? You may have had one doctor tell you to use ice while another told you to use heat. Which makes the matter even more confusing!Today we are Going to Answer the QuestionContinue Reading »

Are You Still Dealing With Pain

Are You Still Dealing With Pain

Insert Image Are you dealing with pain and haven’t been able to solve it yet? Have you tried everything from massage all the way through to pain killers and maybe even injections? What about physical therapy? Have you been to a clinic only to find that it didn’t help and that you really didn’t getContinue Reading »

Traveling to Kenya

Traveling to Kenya

I recently returned from a two week teaching trip in Kenya. I volunteer with a program that teaches Physiotherapists in Kenya hands on skills and clinical problem solving. So, what was I doing there? This trip I was able to go into the clinic with the Physiotherapists and treat patients. This is a great opportunityContinue Reading »

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