Knee Pain | Physical Therapy for everyBODY
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Can You Exercise With Chronic Pain?

Can You Exercise With Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain may drastically impact one’s life in a variety of ways. It can be difficult to get out of bed in the morning, to tie your shoes, and it will almost surely affect your daily routines and activities since the pain is consistent and sometimes excruciating. The discomfort may make you believe that youContinue Reading »

Yes, There’s a Muscle There

Yes, There’s a Muscle There

Have you ever felt a sudden pain or discomfort and wondered “What is that”? Your mind may have jumped to the conclusion that you were having bone pain because you know that there are bones literally everywhere in your body. But, did you know, that you also have muscles everywhere in your body? Recently I wasContinue Reading »

Knee Pain: Causes And Cures

Knee Pain: Causes And Cures

Knee pain affects almost every single person at some point in their lives. From sprains to cartilage issues, all the way through to posture-related injuries and muscle tears, knee pain seems to play a role in the sometimes debilitating struggle for a pain-free life. We understand how the nagging, irritating, and oftentimes overwhelming pain inContinue Reading »

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