Posture | Physical Therapy for everyBODY
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Why Is My Arm Tingling?

Why Is My Arm Tingling?

Numbness and tingling in your hand or arm is disturbing. Not knowing what is causing it can lead to sleepless nights. You then schedule an appointment with your doctor only to be given pain medication and muscle relaxers that don’t really solve the problem. Which can lead to increased stress and anxiety about what isContinue Reading »

Do You Have A Buzzard Neck?

Do You Have A Buzzard Neck?

Seriously. Do you feel like your head is sitting too far in front of your shoulders? Of maybe you feel like your neck muscles are constantly getting tired from trying to hold your head on straight. We here at Physical Therapy for everyBODY call that – Buzzard Neck. Can you see it? The rounded shoulders and theContinue Reading »

Posture – The #1 Headache Trigger

Posture – The #1 Headache Trigger

Have you ever wondered why you constantly have headache? Or why there is a nagging discomfort in your neck or upper back?  Well, all of those aches and pains could be down to one very important aspect of your life: your posture. Yes, that’s right. For those of you who have never considered your postureContinue Reading »

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