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6 Exercises to Help Treat Your Neck Pain

6 Exercises to Help Treat Your Neck Pain

We all know that neck pain can really cramp our style. We’ve all experienced it in some form or another and if you suffer from chronic neck pain, it can be a serious problem when living your daily life. It can interfere with work, school, exercise, and even playing with the kids. So what causesContinue Reading »

Are There Bad Exercises For You?

Are There Bad Exercises For You?

Do you suffer from low back pain, knee pain, or shoulder/neck pain? Have you searched on-line for the “best exercises” to deal with your issue only to find that they don’t help you at all? Or, they actually made your problem worse. Maybe you have seen another Physical Therapist who gave you exercises that only seemedContinue Reading »

3 Things That Cause Back Pain That You Didn’t Know Until Now!

3 Things That Cause Back Pain That You Didn’t Know Until Now!

3 Things That Cause Back Pain That You Didn’t Know Until Now! Quick question: How many of you have googled “preventing back pain?” Yes, I thought so. We’ve all heard and read about what can cause your back pain: incorrect lifting, bad posture, sports injury. But, did you know that you may be making a common mistake in yourContinue Reading »

Why Do You Always Talk About Motion?

Why Do You Always Talk About Motion?

Have you ever felt like your joints are squeaky/grindy/crunchy? Do you feel like the tin man walking around looking for your oil can? Are you tired of the aching in your joints? We have so many patients who contact us wondering why they are not moving correctly. And, we also have many patients who start workingContinue Reading »

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