Headaches | Physical Therapy for everyBODY
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Understanding the Root Causes of Neck Pain

Understanding the Root Causes of Neck Pain

Understanding the Root Causes of Neck PainDo you suffer from persistent neck pain that just won’t go away? You are not alone. Neck pain is a very common complaint that leads to fear and anxiety as you are wondering What is Causing My Neck Pain?Today we are going to delve into the structures in yourContinue Reading »

Posture – The #1 Headache Trigger

Posture – The #1 Headache Trigger

Have you ever wondered why you constantly have headache? Or why there is a nagging discomfort in your neck or upper back?  Well, all of those aches and pains could be down to one very important aspect of your life: your posture. Yes, that’s right. For those of you who have never considered your postureContinue Reading »

Why Do My Headaches Get Worse Every Spring?

Why Do My Headaches Get Worse Every Spring?

Ah, spring. The flowers are bursting from the ground, the trees are growing back their leaves, and sneezing becomes the new norm. We all know that running eyes and excessive sneezing happens at this time of the year but why are your headaches increasing? Have you ever wondered why your headaches increase every time your allergiesContinue Reading »

Why Do I Have These Headaches?

Why Do I Have These Headaches?

Have you ever woken up with a raging headache and you can’t think of what you may have done in the night to cause this?  Or maybe you often get them at the end of the day, particularly after a busy day at work?  Is it just on one side of your head?  Or isContinue Reading »

Where headaches are born

Where headaches are born

Have you ever had a headache that started at the base of your skull and wrapped itself over your head finally lodging behind your eyeballs?  Those headaches really hurt.  And, it seems like they can last forever. But where do they come from?  Headaches that start at the base of the skull actually start inContinue Reading »

Chewing on another cause of headaches

Chewing on another cause of headaches

Have you ever had a headache that started in your jaw?  Maybe you have noticed that you wake up with a headache the morning after eating a big meal.  Perhaps you grind your teeth at night and wake up every morning with a headache.  Some people chew gum all day long, causing jaw and headContinue Reading »

TMJ (Pain in your Jaw!) & Headaches

TMJ (Pain in your Jaw!) & Headaches

Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) involve pain and dysfunction around the TMJ (your jaw) and jaw muscles. The National Instititue of Dental and Craniofacial Research performed a 3 year study to identify biopsychosocial and genetic risk factors in the development of TMD. Potential risk factors for first-onset TMD were identified with older age, African American, pain onContinue Reading »

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