The Myths About Urinary Incontinence
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The Myths About Urinary Incontinence

Do you ever find yourself unexpectedly struggling to contain a small amount of urine when you laugh, cough, or sneeze? Is it normal as you age? Should you be concerned?

If you are experiencing the release of urine while doing these things, then it may be because of incontinence.

Incontinence is the loss of bladder control which can cause urine leakage and is quite common. It can range in severity from minor leakage when coughing or laughing to needing to wear diapers due to continuous urinary leakage.

But don’t worry, if you suffer from incontinence it doesn’t have to be a life sentence. There are many causes for this condition and treatment options available depending on the underlying issues that are causing it.

Now, it is true that many women struggle with leaking when laughing, coughing, or sneezing, but that does not make it normal. In fact, it isn’t normal, and there are things you can do to treat incontinence.

The reason that so many people believe that it is normal is because nobody is talking about it, and they do not understand that it is a treatable condition.

In this blog we will discuss what incontinence is, what might be causing your symptoms and available treatments, as well as tips on living with incontinence.

What Is Urinary Incontinence?

The exact cause of urinary incontinence depends on the type and severity; however, it is usually due to weak or overactive muscles in the pelvic floor or bladder.

Weak pelvic floor muscles may be caused by childbirth, menopause, aging, being overweight, surgery or radiation treatment for cancer. Overactive bladder muscles can be caused by an infection in your bladder or nervous system problems. In some cases, urinary incontinence may be caused by medications that affect how the body stores urine.

Incontinence can be an embarrassing and isolating condition, but fortunately there are treatments available to help. Exercise, physical therapy, lifestyle changes like reducing caffeine intake or losing weight may all help improve the symptoms of urinary incontinence.

The Myths About Incontinence

Incontinence isn’t inevitable with age. It’s true that incontinence is more common in older people, but it isn’t necessarily the result of aging. In fact, many cases of incontinence can be traced back to underlying medical conditions or lifestyle factors like diet and exercise habits. Urinary incontinence can also occur as a side effect of certain medications.

Incontinence is a common but treatable condition. It can affect anyone at any age, from children to adults and seniors. Contrary to popular belief, incontinence is not an inevitable part of aging and it can be effectively managed with the right approach.

There are two primary types of urinary incontinence – stress incontinence and urge incontinence. Stress incontinence is when urine leakage occurs during physical activity such as coughing or sneezing, while urge incontinence is caused by sudden and strong urges to urinate that are difficult to control.

The treatment for each type of urinary incontinence varies depending on its severity and causes. Treatment options may include medications, lifestyle changes, bladder training, pelvic floor exercises, and in some cases, surgery.

Incontinence is a condition that should not be ignored or avoided. With the right treatment and management, it can be controlled effectively so that you can live an active life with minimal disruption.

If you are experiencing any symptoms of incontinence, it is important to speak to your healthcare provider for diagnosis and treatment options.

How Can Physical Therapy Help With Urinary Incontinence?

Physical therapy is beneficial for people who are suffering from urinary incontinence as it helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve overall bladder control. Regular physical activity can help reduce stress, which is a major cause of urinary incontinence. With regular exercise, you can not only reduce the intensity of your symptoms but also the frequency of the episodes.

The type of physical therapy used to treat urinary incontinence will vary on a case-by-case basis depending on your individual needs and situation.

Our physical therapists may recommend certain stretching exercises or strength training and even functional outdoor activities such as running or swimming to help increase muscle tone around the bladder area.

These activities can help minimize leakage or bladder accidents by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles that support the bladder and control its movements.

Exercise is important in strengthening the muscles in the pelvic floor, and it will also help strengthen the supporting muscles throughout the body and decrease the likelihood of your pelvic floor becoming weak as the rest of your body works to support it. If the problem with incontinence continues, then that is when you will want to see a women’s health specialist to understand the issues you might be having and get treatment.

Here is a video that we did that talks about incontinence and dispels some of the beliefs there are in regards to incontinence.

When should you seek out a Women’s Health Specialist?

If you are someone that is struggling with incontinence, want answers on how to best treat the type of incontinence you are experiencing, and want clarity on what is causing the problem, then come visit us so our team can help!

Dealing with incontinence can be embarrassing, stressful, uncomfortable, and discouraging. That is why we recommend that you come see us so we can help you in reducing or eliminating leakage altogether.

If you want to begin to solve your struggles with incontinence and feel that you just want answers for what is causing the issue, then come in for apelvic pain assessment, which will enable you to get a full diagnosis and finally understand the real reason your pain won’t go away!

You can contact us by telephone at 425-658-4944 to claim your pelvic pain assessment or by completing our enquiry form in under 30 seconds.

Not sure whether physical therapy is right for you?

We appreciate that you may want to find out more and ask some questions about private physical therapy which is you can arrange a FREE Discovery Session or a FREE Telephone Consultation.

Other Free Resources To Help You With Chronic Pain

Download our free pelvic, knee, neck and shoulder, and back pain reports.

Read our blog – How To Stop Peeing When You Laugh!

Read our blog – Are You Tired of Your Life Being Run by Your Bladder?

Follow us on social media at Physical Therapy for Everybody Facebook Page and Physical Therapy for Everybody YouTube Channel.

Dr. Amy Konvalin

Dr. Amy Konvalin

Struggling with pain and dysfunction can impact every part of our lives — it drains our energy, distracts us from our goals, and keeps us from the people and activities we love. As an Orthopedic Clinical Specialist, Dr. Amy Konvalin understands how frustrating those limitations can be — and she knows how to help get you back to the life you want to live! Beginning with a focused evaluation, Dr. Amy works to determine the root causes of your pain, as well as understanding how it affects the way you move through your world. Dysfunctional patterns of movement often grow worse with time and cause further damage if left untreated — so it’s important to address these issues as soon as possible. Dr. Amy knows there is no one-size-fits-all plan for success, and she partners with patients to identify their unique treatment goals and personal values. Using these goals as a guide, Amy uses her doctorate training in manual (hands-on) therapy and exercise prescription to treat patients with a wide variety of medical challenges and histories throughout the Maple Valley, Black Diamond and Covington areas. Dr. Amy is also a wife to a Boeing superstar/former C-130 navigator. While they lived in Germany, Dr. Amy was able to volunteer with the US Army to treat military personnel and civilians on base. She has two beautiful teenage ballerinas who keep her on her toes and educate her on all things ballet! Bailey, the princess pup, is her running partner and her napping partner. In the spare moments in between, Amy enjoys reading, yoga, wine with friends, Pilates, and walking on the beach.
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