As sure as there is rain in the Pacific Northwest – once you’ve had an attack of low back pain, it’s bound to happen again!
…But, why?
I believe there is one main reason for this – and it should make you happy!
…Are you ready?
It's your own fault.
Don’t misunderstand me – I don’t mean to be insensitive. I consider this to be a good thing because that means you have some level of control in the matter.
I have a patient who I see around 2-3 times per year when her low back pain really flares up. She comes back for a few weeks of treatment, gets well and then I see her back on my schedule a few months later with the same complaints. Most recently she wanted to have a discussion around why her low back pain keeps coming back.
She works in the tech industry, very dedicated to her profession and she stays moderately active for a woman in her mid-50’s. She has two grown daughters, one with a newborn and another in medical school. Needless to say, they still rely on mom and dad for a little financial support.
Knowing these few facts, I told her that when she does things like standing for hours at the computer or sitting in the car for long drives, it’s like making a withdraw from her bank account. In other words, when she does things that aren’t healthy for her back, she sees a smaller number in her account.
…But, the great thing is that she can also make deposits and see her money grow!
When she does things like her home exercises, chooses healthy back activities and coming for regular treatments her account gets BIGGER. The reason she has ups and downs with her low back pain is simply a matter of “not managing her money well”. She makes too many withdraws and not enough deposits resulting in a “back pain overdraft”.
Do you see what I mean?
So, Today We Are Going to Lay Out The Top Five Things You Are Doing Daily That Pulls Money Out of Your Low Back Pain Account.
Sitting for more than 30 minutes at a time
When you sit for more than 30 minutes you lose fluid from your spine. Which is fine and normal if you sit for short periods of time. The problem comes when you sit for too long and the body is not able to recover. That’s when you will experience stiffness – and pain.
Slouching while you are sitting, standing, or walking
Poor posture puts more pressure on your low back which increases wear and tear to the tissues. This can lead to arthritis in your joints, the discs losing fluid and getting dry, and the muscles losing their flexibility as they aren’t able to move the way through their full motion.
Not using your knees to bend
Bending forward from your waist causes significantly increased pressure on your spine. Which pulls money out of your back account and can leave you at a deficit.
No cardio on the daily
Not getting your body moving and your blood pumping can cause everything to get stiff and sore. Every body needs to get their heart rate up daily in order to get your blood pumping. This allows your body the nutrients it needs to heal.
Not drinking enough water
Did you know that 85% of your spine is made up of water? Your entire body, and most especially your spine, need proper hydration in order to move the way it was intended.
So, The Next Question is, How Do You Put Money Into Your Bank Account?
Try making small deposits by not sitting longer than 30-40 minutes at a time, practicing good posture, using good mechanics when lifting, walking daily, and staying hydrated. Make more deposits than withdraws and over time watch your low back pain account grow! This means less frequent and less intense episodes of low back pain.
Would you like more helpful tips on decreasing your low back pain? Then download our Free Ebook “7 Incredibly Easy Ways To Get Rid of Back Pain…Without Medication or Surgery”. This ebook is loaded with tips that you can start implementing TODAY to eliminate your low back pain.
Or, have you decided that you are not willing to live one more day with this low back pain? Then we encourage you to sign up for one of our Free Discovery Visits so you can meet with one of our specialists and discuss your low back pain journey. This gives you a chance to learn more about our method and get all of your questions answered. If you are ready to get started on your journey, the Free Discovery Visit is a great place to start.