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Explaining Chronic Pain

Explaining Chronic Pain

Chronic pain involves changes in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) which conveys nociceptive information to the central nervous system (CNS).  Over time, changes occur in the CNS that can cause continuation of the nociceptive information – even if the original stimulus has been removed!  For instance, say someone has a very painful ulcer on theirContinue Reading »

Acute versus Chronic Pain

Acute versus Chronic Pain

The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines pain as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage. By this definition, pain does not HAVE to be associated with observable tissue damage or have a detectable underlying cause. Pain is subjective. If describedContinue Reading »

Hip Osteoarthritis – New Clinical Practice Guideline

Hip Osteoarthritis – New Clinical Practice Guideline

Physical Therapy utilizes art and science to create a specific program for restoration of each patient’s physical function.  Later blog articles will focus on the ART while this article is focusing on the SCIENCE.  Physical Therapists are passionate about finding, confirming, and using optimal treatment strategies for their patients.  We are greatly indebted to theContinue Reading »

Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis in Younger People (yeah, that means YOU!)

Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis in Younger People (yeah, that means YOU!)

Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis Affects Younger People, TooAckerman, I., Kemp, J. Crossley, K., Culvenor, A., Hinman, R.Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, February 2017, p 67-79. This Clinical Commentary focused on evidence-based assessment and management approaches for “younger individuals” defined as those less than 40-45 years old.Why is this important? Hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA)Continue Reading »

The Importance of Education

The Importance of Education

When on a family vacation, my sacroiliac joint (near the tailbone) went out of place causing extreme pain down my right leg every time I stepped on my right foot. Which is a challenge when you are spending your days and nights walking around theme parks! During a meal break in the middle of ourContinue Reading »

Three Pillars of Physical Therapy

Three Pillars of Physical Therapy

The American Physical Therapy Association advocates for three pillars in true evidence based practice. These three pillars include – available evidence, clinical knowledge, and patient preferences. 1. Best Available Evidence – The Physical Therapy profession has exploded with research in the past 16 years since I’ve been practicing. The good news is that there isContinue Reading »

My Neck Is Stuck!!!

My Neck Is Stuck!!!

***This article was so popular that we updated it here*** A few weeks ago my youngest daughter woke up and couldn’t turn her head or get out of bed. She was literally stuck in one spot with her head turned as if to look over her right shoulder. She was crying because her neck hurt andContinue Reading »

Unraveling the Complexity of Low Back Pain

Unraveling the Complexity of Low Back Pain

Viewpoint from the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy The “Viewpoint” section in the November 2016 JOSPT written by O’Sullivan, et al, offers an overview of the current research on treatment for low back pain. The authors begin by pointing out that “exponential increases in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning to identify these damagedContinue Reading »

What does a Physical Therapist do?

What does a Physical Therapist do?

“I have been referred to see a Physical Therapist but I don’t actually know what they do.” “Wait, you treat THAT too?” I have heard these comments from patients, friends, and family for the past 16 years so I figured it was time to explain why physical therapy is so hard to define. 1. ThereContinue Reading »

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