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Why Do You Always Talk About Motion?

Why Do You Always Talk About Motion?

Have you ever felt like your joints are squeaky/grindy/crunchy? Do you feel like the tin man walking around looking for your oil can? Are you tired of the aching in your joints? We have so many patients who contact us wondering why they are not moving correctly. And, we also have many patients who start workingContinue Reading »

Is Telehealth Right For You?

Is Telehealth Right For You?

Have you been hearing about this “telehealth” option to Physical Therapy and wondered if it’s right for you? Are you noticing more pain in your low back or neck because you find yourself sitting more? Have you started having knee pain because your gym is closed and you are running outside? We’ve been getting lotsContinue Reading »

Power Washing Like a Pro

Power Washing Like a Pro

Summer is finally here! Which means it is time to get outside and enjoy the sunny days. For you that may mean heading to the river, traveling across the mountains, or hopping on an airplane. If you are like me, that means heading to the back yard. Our family enjoys lounging around in hammocks andContinue Reading »

Training to Walk

Training to Walk

We are in the final countdown for the first ever “Be the Hope XOXO” walk for all cancers here in our very own Maple Valley. Created by the Valley Girls and Guys, this walk is raising money for cancer awareness, treatment, and research that stays in our local community. PT4EB is honored to be aContinue Reading »

Why I Don’t DIY

Why I Don’t DIY

It was dark the first time I saw our house 12 years ago.  I couldn’t see the backyard very well.  We live on a pie shaped piece of a cul de sac so the backyard light only went so far that first night.  I remember asking Matt “How’s the yard?” His reply – “The yardContinue Reading »

Movement is Life

Movement is Life

You need to be able to bend over to work in your garden, pick up your grandchild, or do yoga. You need to be able to squat to give a child a hug at their level, to do home renovation projects, or tie your shoelace on the side of the trail while you are outContinue Reading »

Snow Shoveling 101

Snow Shoveling 101

Snowpocalypse hit the Pacific Northwest and left behind snow, sleet, hail, slush, and ice.  Last I heard, the groundhog was awaiting extradition from the Bahamas for his poor forecast this year.  As we move forward to finally getting out of the house, here are some key tips to remember while you are shoveling all thatContinue Reading »

So, you have a herniated disc

So, you have a herniated disc

There are few things in life as painful as a herniated disc.  But it’s not just the pain that is difficult to deal with – it’s also the fear.  What is going on in my spine and am I going to live?  That may sound extreme but herniated discs are extreme.  They can cause extremeContinue Reading »

It’s All Connected!

It’s All Connected!

Have you ever been to see a Physical Therapist with complaints of low back pain and they are watching you walk or talking to you about your foot?  Have you ever questioned (to yourself or out loud!) why they are discussing your knee movement or hip strength when you came in because you can’t sleepContinue Reading »

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