We all know that neck pain can really cramp our style. We’ve all experienced it in some form or another and if you suffer from chronic neck pain, it can be a serious problem when living your daily life. It can interfere with work, school, exercise, and even playing with the kids. So what causesContinue Reading »
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Author: Dr. Amy Konvalin
What Is Causing That Pain in Your Neck?
What Is Causing That Pain in Your Neck? Do you have pain in the neck and you are trying to figure out what’s going on, what the problem is, and what you can do about this problem? In this blog, we will talk about the pain in your neck, what could be some of theContinue Reading »
Can You Exercise With Chronic Pain?
Chronic pain may drastically impact one’s life in a variety of ways. It can be difficult to get out of bed in the morning, to tie your shoes, and it will almost surely affect your daily routines and activities since the pain is consistent and sometimes excruciating. The discomfort may make you believe that youContinue Reading »
New Year New Knee – Reducing And Treating Knee Pain
You are excited to welcome in the New Year and there is a lot of anticipation and optimism into heading 2023, however, you are still carrying knee pain with you that was holding you back last year and you are determined to leave it behind like you have with 2022. But, you don’t know whereContinue Reading »
What Causes Lower Back Pain in Females
Did you know that research suggests 60 to 80% of people experience lower back pain during their lifetime? It’s true. Also, did you know that lower back pain in females is more common than men? Women also experience more back pain as they age, and the increase in back pain for patients and clients isContinue Reading »
Is It Safe To Exercise With A Bad Back?
So many patients wonder, is it safe to exercise with a bad back? If I just let it rest it will get better, right? What if I start to exercise and I just aggravate it more? These are the questions that we are getting asked often and we understand that it can scary to getContinue Reading »
How To Sleep With Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain is a big problem, and its effect on sleep can leave you exhausted, irritable and struggling through the day. But when you have stiffness and discomfort, finding how to sleep with lower back pain can be difficult. Getting comfortable can take what feels like hours, and once you do drift off, youContinue Reading »
Do You Want to Poop Better?
Do you suffer with regular constipation or diarrhea that leaves you feeling like…well, bad? Have you been to see every doctor only to be told to take medication for the rest of your life? Are you looking for a natural way to solve this problem – for good? You may be thinking to yourself “Dr. Amy,Continue Reading »
Help! I Can’t Pee!
Have you ever felt like you needed to pee so badly only to find difficulty urinating when you finally make it to the toilet? Or maybe you feel like you can’t fully empty your bladder when you try to. Sometimes this happens when you have had to “hold it” for a long time. Your pelvic floorContinue Reading »
How To Feel Better – Instantly!
Do you feel like you are constantly rushing around, trying to get all the things done, only to find yourself falling in bed exhausted every night? And, the next day you get up and do it all over again? Or even worse, do you have pain that makes sleeping (and life!) difficult with each day justContinue Reading »