Dr. Amy Konvalin | Physical Therapy for everyBODY | Page 6 of 14
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Are There Bad Exercises For You?

Are There Bad Exercises For You?

Do you suffer from low back pain, knee pain, or shoulder/neck pain? Have you searched on-line for the “best exercises” to deal with your issue only to find that they don’t help you at all? Or, they actually made your problem worse. Maybe you have seen another Physical Therapist who gave you exercises that only seemedContinue Reading »

How Do I Improve Sleep Quality

How Do I Improve Sleep Quality

So, what can you do about it? As it turns out there are many things that you can do to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep. Pick your favorite one to try first. Really stick with it for a month so you can get personal feedback on how it works for you. And, thenContinue Reading »

Why Can’t I Sleep?

Why Can’t I Sleep?

Do you have difficulty falling asleep – or maybe even staying asleep? Perhaps you wake up in the morning and find yourself not refreshed and not ready to face the day. If this sounds like you, you are not alone. Many of our patients’ report that they struggle to get a good night of sleep. But, here’sContinue Reading »

Top 6 FAQ’s about Cupping – AKA: Octopus Marks

Top 6 FAQ’s about Cupping – AKA: Octopus Marks

Here at Physical Therapy for everyBODY, we offer a special form of cupping that’s called Myofascial Decompression. You may have seen those round circles on the shoulders of Olympic swimmers? Yep, that’s what we’re talking about here. Many people can benefit from this form of treatment. Have you ever felt like your joint is just “stuck”Continue Reading »

Why Are People Choosing Manual Therapy?

Why Are People Choosing Manual Therapy?

Are you wondering about the difference between Manual Physical Therapy and Traditional Physical Therapy? You are not alone! Many people who are entering our world (or thinking about it!) are curious about what makes us different. The quick answer is that we are Physical Therapists who are trained in and implement manual therapy. So, What isContinue Reading »

Why Do I Have Back Pain AGAIN?!

Why Do I Have Back Pain AGAIN?!

As sure as there is rain in the Pacific Northwest – once you’ve had an attack of low back pain, it’s bound to happen again! …But, why? I believe there is one main reason for this – and it should make you happy! …Are you ready? It’s your own fault. Don’t misunderstand me – I don’t mean to be insensitive.Continue Reading »

Are You Worried About Your Neck Pain?

Are You Worried About Your Neck Pain?

My Neck Is Stiff…and it’s not getting any better! Have you been dealing with annoying, on and off neck pain for too long? Have you tried everything to get rid of this neck stiffness and nothing seems to be working? Are you tired of the fatigue that comes from your neck hurting all the time?Continue Reading »

What Makes Physical Therapy for everyBODY Different?

What Makes Physical Therapy for everyBODY Different?

What Makes Physical Therapy for everyBODY different? Have you been wondering about what really makes Physical Therapy for everyBODY different from a traditional Physical Therapy clinic?PT4EB is focused on helping your body to heal naturally without drugs or surgery. We are empowering people 39+ who want to move like they did 20 years ago. Unlike otherContinue Reading »

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