Dr. Amy Konvalin | Physical Therapy for everyBODY | Page 5 of 14
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How To Feel Better – Instantly!

How To Feel Better – Instantly!

Do you feel like you are constantly rushing around, trying to get all the things done, only to find yourself falling in bed exhausted every night? And, the next day you get up and do it all over again? Or even worse, do you have pain that makes sleeping (and life!) difficult with each day justContinue Reading »

Why Can’t I Take A Deep Breathe?

Why Can’t I Take A Deep Breathe?

Have you ever tried to take a really deep breathe and felt like you just couldn’t do it? Or maybe you have tried meditating but can’t find your deep breathe. Perhaps you have been in a yoga class and frustrated that you can’t seem to find that ocean breathing everyone else can do. Or you mayContinue Reading »

Sciatica Frequently Asked Questions

Sciatica Frequently Asked Questions

Answering all your FAQ’s…and maybe a few you didn’t even think to ask! Are you tired of searching the interweb to learn more about your sciatica? And, even more importantly, what you can DO about your sciatic symptoms? We get it! That is why we have compiled our most asked questions about sciatica. Today, we will putContinue Reading »

What Is the Best Sciatica Treatment?

What Is the Best Sciatica Treatment?

What Is the Best Sciatica Treatment?Are you suffering from sciatica and looking for proven results to help decrease your symptoms and get you back to living your life? Or maybe you are wondering if what you have is even “sciatica”? Either way you are in the right place because we are going to cover everythingContinue Reading »

Why do I Have Shooting Pains in My Legs?

Why do I Have Shooting Pains in My Legs?

Is sharp pain in your legs bothering you with sitting, standing, or walking?  Are you having difficulty sleeping due to leg pain? Are you confused about what is going on and what you should do about these symptoms? Many people have fear because they don’t know what to do when leg pain starts. They start searchingContinue Reading »

Happy Birthday to PT4EB!

Happy Birthday to PT4EB!

Physical Therapy for everyBODY is 6 years old! I am so grateful! When we decided to open PT4EB, we felt that people needed another option to the current Physical Therapy choices available in Maple Valley. We believed that there was a tribe of people that was not being served in the way they needed to beContinue Reading »

How To Treat Bunion Pain Without Surgery

How To Treat Bunion Pain Without Surgery

Have you noticed a painful bump at the base of your big toe? Are you looking for ways to treat your bunion that don’t involve surgery? Well, I have good news for you. Bunions can be treated, bunions can be pain free, and you can keep them from getting bigger – all without surgery! Here at PhysicalContinue Reading »

What Is The Best Plantar Fasciitis Treatment?

What Is The Best Plantar Fasciitis Treatment?

“Man, I don’t know what’s going on right now but the clinic is flooded with people suffering from plantar fasciitis. I am gonna blame increased sitting while working from home but we decided we needed to get some information into your hands – NOW!” What is Plantar Fasciitis?Literally, plantar fasciitis is inflammation of the plantarContinue Reading »

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