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Why Do You Always Talk About Motion?

Why Do You Always Talk About Motion?

Have you ever felt like your joints are squeaky/grindy/crunchy? Do you feel like the tin man walking around looking for your oil can? Are you tired of the aching in your joints? We have so many patients who contact us wondering why they are not moving correctly. And, we also have many patients who start workingContinue Reading »

Why Has My Shoulder Hurt Since Christmas?

Why Has My Shoulder Hurt Since Christmas?

Have you had shoulder pain ever since Christmas? From hanging lights to hauling decorations, the holiday season can be a challenge to our shoulders. Even more so this year when we have been home more and not in our usual routine. Do you find yourself having pain when you are reaching overhead, grabbing the milk fromContinue Reading »

What Manual Therapy Can Do For You

What Manual Therapy Can Do For You

You need Manual Therapy so your joints, muscles, and disks can move normally and stop causing you to have pain. That’s the simple answer! “Dr. Amy, I always thought that what you do is what Physical Therapy should be. But I have never had this form of treatment before”. I hear this statement at least onceContinue Reading »

Why Does My Neck Still Hurt?

Why Does My Neck Still Hurt?

Do you find yourself constantly rubbing your neck, trying to make it feel better? Is it hard to turn your head to the side like when you are checking your blind spot? Are you limiting your exercise due to your neck pain? Or, maybe you know someone who limits their activity because their neck gets stiffContinue Reading »

The Best Low Back Pain Treatment (Part 2)

The Best Low Back Pain Treatment (Part 2)

Have you been told by a doctor that the only cure for your low back pain is surgery? Or maybe you have been given pain medication and told to go home and rest?  Are you trying to figure out what you can actually do to eliminate your low back pain for the long term? Then I have greatContinue Reading »

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