Have you ever felt like your joints are squeaky/grindy/crunchy? Do you feel like the tin man walking around looking for your oil can? Are you tired of the aching in your joints? We have so many patients who contact us wondering why they are not moving correctly. And, we also have many patients who start workingContinue Reading »
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Why Has My Shoulder Hurt Since Christmas?
Have you had shoulder pain ever since Christmas? From hanging lights to hauling decorations, the holiday season can be a challenge to our shoulders. Even more so this year when we have been home more and not in our usual routine. Do you find yourself having pain when you are reaching overhead, grabbing the milk fromContinue Reading »
Setting Goals For The New Year: Part 4 – Celebrate Every Success
You’ve reached the final installment of our goal-setting series which means you’re in great shape to the start the New Year off right! So far, we’ve discussed setting a long term goal, addressing obstacles between now and where you want to be in a year, and breaking your long term goal into smaller chunks. TheContinue Reading »
Setting goals for the New Year: Part 3 – Break it down to smaller chunks (to help you get focused)
Are you getting excited about your goal and achieving it in the next year? Or, are you feeling like it is simply too big and there is no way you will reach it? Either way, this week’s post is for you. We are getting ready to do a deep dive on your goal and createContinue Reading »
Setting Goals for the New Year: Part 2 – Set your Goal
Are you looking for a positive way to make a change in your life in the New Year? Or maybe you are finally ready to create a plan to reach that Big ‘Ole Goal you have always dreamed about. Then this series is for you! Last week we focused on creating a visual picture of thatContinue Reading »
Setting Goals For The New Year: Part 1 – Decide where you want to be in one year
You hold the power to create the future you want for yourself. Do you believe that? It’s the truth! And, this four part series is designed to help you decide where you want to be in one year and create a detailed plan to help you succeed. During this series, you will be led through a seriesContinue Reading »
What Manual Therapy Can Do For You
You need Manual Therapy so your joints, muscles, and disks can move normally and stop causing you to have pain. That’s the simple answer! “Dr. Amy, I always thought that what you do is what Physical Therapy should be. But I have never had this form of treatment before”. I hear this statement at least onceContinue Reading »
Why Does My Neck Still Hurt?
Do you find yourself constantly rubbing your neck, trying to make it feel better? Is it hard to turn your head to the side like when you are checking your blind spot? Are you limiting your exercise due to your neck pain? Or, maybe you know someone who limits their activity because their neck gets stiffContinue Reading »
The Best Low Back Pain Treatment (Part 2)
Have you been told by a doctor that the only cure for your low back pain is surgery? Or maybe you have been given pain medication and told to go home and rest? Are you trying to figure out what you can actually do to eliminate your low back pain for the long term? Then I have greatContinue Reading »
Are You Tired of Your Life Being Run by Your Bladder?
It is time to dispel a common myth – Ladies, it is not normal to pee when you exercise, jump on a trampoline, or laugh after giving birth. And, having pain with sex or difficulty running errands due to lack of bladder control with aging is also not normal. Far too many times in my careerContinue Reading »