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What Manual Therapy Can Do For You

What Manual Therapy Can Do For You

You need Manual Therapy so your joints, muscles, and disks can move normally and stop causing you to have pain. That’s the simple answer! “Dr. Amy, I always thought that what you do is what Physical Therapy should be. But I have never had this form of treatment before”. I hear this statement at least onceContinue Reading »

Why Does My Neck Still Hurt?

Why Does My Neck Still Hurt?

Do you find yourself constantly rubbing your neck, trying to make it feel better? Is it hard to turn your head to the side like when you are checking your blind spot? Are you limiting your exercise due to your neck pain? Or, maybe you know someone who limits their activity because their neck gets stiffContinue Reading »

The Best Low Back Pain Treatment (Part 2)

The Best Low Back Pain Treatment (Part 2)

Have you been told by a doctor that the only cure for your low back pain is surgery? Or maybe you have been given pain medication and told to go home and rest?  Are you trying to figure out what you can actually do to eliminate your low back pain for the long term? Then I have greatContinue Reading »

Why Do I Have These Headaches?

Why Do I Have These Headaches?

Have you ever woken up with a raging headache and you can’t think of what you may have done in the night to cause this?  Or maybe you often get them at the end of the day, particularly after a busy day at work?  Is it just on one side of your head?  Or isContinue Reading »

Is Telehealth Right For You?

Is Telehealth Right For You?

Have you been hearing about this “telehealth” option to Physical Therapy and wondered if it’s right for you? Are you noticing more pain in your low back or neck because you find yourself sitting more? Have you started having knee pain because your gym is closed and you are running outside? We’ve been getting lotsContinue Reading »

Should I get a cortisone injection?

Should I get a cortisone injection?

Has your doctor recommended a cortisone injection to help relieve your shoulder pain? Are you wondering why you would get a cortisone injection and what they do? Then let’s start there! Your doctor may recommend that you have a cortisone injection if you have a painful muscle or joint that is inflamed. The cortisone is injected directlyContinue Reading »

Do you have Shoulder Pain?

Do you have Shoulder Pain?

Do you have pain when you reach into the cabinet for your favorite coffee cup? Do you struggle to lift your arm to put on deodorant or wash your hair? Are you limited with your arm motions due to pain? You may be struggling with “shoulder impingement”.  What does that mean? Well, the shoulder is a complex structure madeContinue Reading »

Sciatica in 2020

Sciatica in 2020

When I graduated from Physical Therapy school 20 years ago there were 3 indisputable facts: The brain stayed the same throughout your life. The disks in your spine never healed. Nerves could not regenerate. Oh, what a difference 20 years can make.  Research has taught us: The brain can make new pathways and even repairContinue Reading »

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