Have you ever woken up with a raging headache and you can’t think of what you may have done in the night to cause this? Or maybe you often get them at the end of the day, particularly after a busy day at work? Is it just on one side of your head? Or isContinue Reading »
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Is Telehealth Right For You?
Have you been hearing about this “telehealth” option to Physical Therapy and wondered if it’s right for you? Are you noticing more pain in your low back or neck because you find yourself sitting more? Have you started having knee pain because your gym is closed and you are running outside? We’ve been getting lotsContinue Reading »
Should I get a cortisone injection?
Has your doctor recommended a cortisone injection to help relieve your shoulder pain? Are you wondering why you would get a cortisone injection and what they do? Then let’s start there! Your doctor may recommend that you have a cortisone injection if you have a painful muscle or joint that is inflamed. The cortisone is injected directlyContinue Reading »
Do you have Shoulder Pain?
Do you have pain when you reach into the cabinet for your favorite coffee cup? Do you struggle to lift your arm to put on deodorant or wash your hair? Are you limited with your arm motions due to pain? You may be struggling with “shoulder impingement”. What does that mean? Well, the shoulder is a complex structure madeContinue Reading »
Sciatica in 2020
When I graduated from Physical Therapy school 20 years ago there were 3 indisputable facts: The brain stayed the same throughout your life. The disks in your spine never healed. Nerves could not regenerate. Oh, what a difference 20 years can make. Research has taught us: The brain can make new pathways and even repairContinue Reading »
Do you need an MRI?
I recently had a new patient start working with me who had low back pain. When he first arrived, he was very frustrated that his doctor had not ordered an MRI. “How can you know what’s really going on if you don’t have an MRI report to look at?” he asked me. “My doctor told me thatContinue Reading »
Power Washing Like a Pro
Summer is finally here! Which means it is time to get outside and enjoy the sunny days. For you that may mean heading to the river, traveling across the mountains, or hopping on an airplane. If you are like me, that means heading to the back yard. Our family enjoys lounging around in hammocks andContinue Reading »
Training to Walk
We are in the final countdown for the first ever “Be the Hope XOXO” walk for all cancers here in our very own Maple Valley. Created by the Valley Girls and Guys, this walk is raising money for cancer awareness, treatment, and research that stays in our local community. PT4EB is honored to be aContinue Reading »
Please Call Me!
The picture above is the bill from my husbands’ recent trip to the Emergency Room (ER). He had a painful toe that started to get REALLY bad quickly. He called the doctor to make an appointment and they said he hadn’t been in recently so he would have to wait 3 weeks. When my husbandContinue Reading »
Why I Don’t DIY
It was dark the first time I saw our house 12 years ago. I couldn’t see the backyard very well. We live on a pie shaped piece of a cul de sac so the backyard light only went so far that first night. I remember asking Matt “How’s the yard?” His reply – “The yardContinue Reading »