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Why Your Neck Stretches Aren’t Working

Why Your Neck Stretches Aren’t Working

Do you Suffer from Chronic neck pain and ever wonder – Why don’t my neck stretches work? Even though you’ve Googled and YouTubed them about a hundred times! There are a few reasons why stretching your neck might not be doing anything to help you get rid of your neck pain.Your technique could be offYou could be doingContinue Reading »

Help! My Neck Is Stuck!

Help! My Neck Is Stuck!

Have you ever woken up in the morning only to find that you can’t turn your head to look at your clock? Or maybe you get a sharp, stabbing pain in your neck when you try to check your blind spot. If you have ever wondered what is going on inside your neck that is causing allContinue Reading »

Let’s Talk About Sex

Let’s Talk About Sex

Are you having pain during sex? Has it gotten so bad that you don’t even want to have sex anymore because it is just too painful? Have you tried every position only to end up frustrated? Or maybe you are even starting to believe that it is not worth the effort. Please know – you areContinue Reading »

How To Stop Peeing When You Laugh!

How To Stop Peeing When You Laugh!

Ladies, you know what I am talking about today. How many times have you talked with your friends about the “oops” that can happen if you jump while you are exercising? And, who would dare to go to a trampoline park without “padding up” beforehand? You may have even gotten to the point where thisContinue Reading »

Posture – The #1 Headache Trigger

Posture – The #1 Headache Trigger

Have you ever wondered why you constantly have headache? Or why there is a nagging discomfort in your neck or upper back?  Well, all of those aches and pains could be down to one very important aspect of your life: your posture. Yes, that’s right. For those of you who have never considered your postureContinue Reading »

Why Do My Headaches Get Worse Every Spring?

Why Do My Headaches Get Worse Every Spring?

Ah, spring. The flowers are bursting from the ground, the trees are growing back their leaves, and sneezing becomes the new norm. We all know that running eyes and excessive sneezing happens at this time of the year but why are your headaches increasing? Have you ever wondered why your headaches increase every time your allergiesContinue Reading »

Knee Pain: Causes And Cures

Knee Pain: Causes And Cures

Knee pain affects almost every single person at some point in their lives. From sprains to cartilage issues, all the way through to posture-related injuries and muscle tears, knee pain seems to play a role in the sometimes debilitating struggle for a pain-free life. We understand how the nagging, irritating, and oftentimes overwhelming pain inContinue Reading »

Are Inversion Tables Good or Bad?

Are Inversion Tables Good or Bad?

Are Inversion Tables Good or Bad? Recently a friend called me up and asked me:“Amy, what do you think of inversion tables? I am thinking of getting one to help with my low back pain but I wanted to get your opinion first”To which I stated the only response I ever give in this situation, whichContinue Reading »

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